LIUNA members in Missouri are mobilizing across the state against a proposed so-called right-to-work bill. If passed, the bill would lower living standards for workers and threaten collective bargaining.
LIUNA General President Terry O’Sullivan joined hundreds of workers rallying to keep Missouri a state where employees can work and prosper. “The average worker in so-called right-to-work states makes $5,300 less a year. They have a 36% higher incident of workplace death,” said O’Sullivan as he addressed members
LIUNA Kentucky members also mobilized in the fight against so-called right-to-work and won. LIUNA Local 1214 members along with other union workers overflowed the Kentucky Capitol last month to speak out against House Bill 496, also known as the Kentucky So-Called “Right-to-Work” bill.
“Union members stood strong in Kentucky as a brotherhood, and we must continue to fight,” said Perry Blades, LIUNA Local 1412 Business Manager. The bill was rejected by the Kentucky House Labor and Industry Committee 15-4.
Learn more about so-called right-to-work at